Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Dating a Virgo? These are the 10 commandments you need to know

Fact: dating a Virgo is the closest that science has come to developing telepathy—they have an uncanny knack for knowing what you want before you know that you want it. Despite being often maligned for their detail-oriented, perfectionist streak, dating a Virgo also means that your life and your relationship will be running like a smooth, well-oiled machine. In honour of Virgo season, here’s all that you need to know about dating one:

Thou shalt channel your inner passenger princess

If you are dating a Virgo, prepare to take a metaphorical backseat while they shower you with chips, quick bites, flowers and the finest indulgences that life has to offer without you ever having to ask for it.

Thou shalt comprehend that date night can take you anywhere from ziplining to sip-and-paint classes

You may not always count Virgos among the adventure junkies, but they do have a daredevil streak that can manifest in a sudden, profound urge to drive to the beach at 2am—don’t ask too many questions and just roll with it.

Thou shalt not expect flirting and coy talk

If you were expecting some smooth talk and flattery, lay your anchor on some other shore, m’lady. When Virgo has their sights set on someone, they will set about making it known, plain and simple.

Thou shalt be prepared to have all your problems fixed for you

Given their perfectionist tendencies, it comes as little surprise that Virgos can view relationships as ‘fixer-uppers’. While this might railroad your independence, it also means that you’ll wake up each morning to find your phone, iPad and AirPods fully juiced.

Thou shalt become an early bird but also a night owl

Blanket on or off? Catch the sunrise or chase the stars at midnight? Virgos can spend all their lives sleeping at the dot of 10pm, only to develop a sudden inability to sleep without binge-watching true-crime series till the early hours of the morning.

Thou shalt allot a week of downtime for every three hours of socialising

The effort of being polite and exchanging pleasantries can physically drain this sign. If you don’t want them to retire into their shell, ensure that you allow enough downtime and solitude between two consecutive social commitments.

Thou shalt become a master interpreter of passive-aggressive silences

When confronted with a problem, a Virgo’s first instinct isn’t to speak about it but to quietly fix it on their own in the hopes that it will go away. This can pave the way for long, extended silences while you try to decipher what is on their mind.

Thou shalt not let words like ‘control freak’ enter the chat

Before you try to shame them on their perfectionist tendencies, remember that they have a carefully calibrated catalogue of all your failures in life shelved away in their mind—and they won’t be afraid to call you out.

Thou shalt accept that they are still friends with their ex

There is no such thing as a bad breakup in the dating dictionary of a Virgo but rather a passive acceptance of when two people want different things from life. Just a heads up, in case you find their ex’s home address fed into their food delivery app.

Thou shalt never go to bed without resolving a fight

Forgive and forget? No, thank you. A Virgo would rather plumb the depths of the matter to ferret out what went wrong, when and where. This also means that you’ll end up building a strong foundation for your relationship instead of just brushing away arguments and disputes under the carpet.

Also read:

Decoding Kareena Kapoor Khan’s perfectionist Virgo style

The sexiest zodiac signs, ranked

Vogue’s guide to modern dating

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