Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Daily Horoscope: November 3, 2023

We’re feeling bold and dynamic as the sun in Scorpio sits opposite Jupiter in Taurus at 1:02 AM. Waste not, want not! Opportunities to create wealth from leftover bits and literal waste abound and we’re inspired to see transformation unfold.Thoughts about trust and vulnerability are on the mind and the mood turns empathetic and protective as the moon in Cancer links up with Mercury in Scorpio at 6:49 AM. Inspiration to break from tradition or express love in different ways may bring some surprises as the moon connects with Uranus in Taurus at 10:36 AM. Later, the moon mingles with Venus in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces at 5:49 PM and 5:50 PM, respectively, encouraging acts of kindness and compassion. Shortly after, Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces at 6:06 PM, stirring up romantic vibes and desires rooted in fantasy. Bubbles might burst and we could feel confused or disenchanted as truths are revealed—though we may find art and music to be a supportive resource as we ponder meaning. Rushed solutions will prove flimsy now and we’re nudged to let things come together when there’s more stability. Dissatisfaction with reality could make for all kinds of escape routes, though it can also inspire wildly creative ideas that challenge the status quo and stimulate imaginations.All times ET.Read your monthly horoscope for November!Stay in the cosmic loop with the VICE horoscopes newsletter. Get horoscopes straight to your inbox when you sign up here!

Aries glyph

Aries: March 20, 2023 – April 20, 2023

Conversations about shared financial goals or wealth building can feel equally thrilling and settling as the sun in Scorpio sits opposite Jupiter in Taurus. You may feel buoyed by a partner’s support, knowing you’re not alone in a transformative journey currently unfolding as Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. Challenges feel halved while your gains feel multiplied!

Taurus glyphs

Taurus: April 20, 2023 – May 21, 2023

The sun in Scorpio faces off with Jupiter in Taurus, encouraging passionate encounters. Partnerships can feel energized and big feelings could create more awareness about what’s desired in your relationships. Your ruling planet Venus in Virgo also opposes Neptune in Pisces, inspiring romance or conversations about new hopes and dreams.

Gemini glyph

Gemini: May 21, 2023 – June 21, 2023

A realization about your habits and routines could hit you in a profound way as the sun in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus. You might feel a bit bored or deflated about the trajectory of a career project or your life’s path as Venus in Virgo faces off with Neptune in Pisces. You can’t muscle or mind-over-matter your way through this, nor do you need to! Something rich is waiting to be unearthed; you only need to give it time.

Cancer glyph

Cancer: June 21, 2023 – July 22, 2023

Your creativity is looking for an outlet as the sun in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus. It’s an exciting time to indulge in a bit of fun and romance! You might hear a bit of gossip through the grapevine as Venus in Virgo clashes with Neptune in Pisces. Exaggerations abound, though a bit of redirection may lead to some enlightening and meaningful conversations.

Leo glyph

Leo: July 22, 2023 – August 23, 2023

You’re motivated to take a big step in your career or calling as the sun in Scorpio sits opposite Jupiter in Taurus. You might receive an award or gift or be recognized for your devotion to a project. It may feel like you’re sliding back after a step forward as Venus in Virgo clashes with Neptune in Pisces. A hiccup might arise, delaying or dissolving progress you’ve made toward a goal, though opportunities to build toward something richer can be revealed.

Virgo glyph

Virgo: August 23, 2023 – September 23, 2023

The sun in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus, inviting you to have an open mind and learn something wildly interesting. You might discover something about yourself in the process! Speaking of self-reflection, Venus is in your sign facing off with Neptune in Pisces, signaling a degree of confusion or feeling out-of-touch in your partnerships. Conversations may need to be steered in a more productive direction to remind everyone to soften judgment and unrealistic expectations, and show up for the person in front of us.

Libra glyph

Libra: September 23, 2023 – October 23, 2023

Intense and thrilling discussions about material goals can arise as the sun in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus. Strong feelings about an investment or risk could be revealed. Worries about lost time or not being productive might intrude your thoughts or bog you down as Venus in Virgo faces off with Neptune in Pisces, though you may benefit most from taking a breather and tending to the inner voice that’s preoccupied with keeping busy.

Scorpio glyph

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 – November 22, 2023

Partners or close friends can bolster your confidence and help you reconnect with your hopes and dreams as the sun in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus. A bit of social anxiety might hinder your ability to let loose and enjoy yourself as Venus in Virgo clashes with Neptune in Pisces. A shared laugh or confession with a trusted friend or ally may add some levity to your day.

Sagittarius glyph

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 – December 21, 2023

The sun in Scorpio’s opposition to Jupiter in Taurus is a powerful time to heal and let go of fears or habits holding you back. Your dreams could reveal something important about your past that’s still influencing you in a very visceral way. Venus in Virgo faces off with Neptune in Pisces and you might feel bored by or impatient about the pace of your career or life path’s development. Good things are worth waiting (and working) for!

Capricorn glyph

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024

Friends can inspire you and invite you to explore new routes to leisure as the sun in Scorpio sits opposite Jupiter in Taurus. New aspirations could be revealed, too! Important discussions may arise in your social circle today, though there might be some missing information or clashing perspectives about news that’s traveling from far as Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. People may be rushing to conclusions and making their own meaning from events and stories; it’s OK to wait until the details have fully unfolded.

Aquarius glyphs

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 – February 18, 2023

You might be prompted to make an important career decision as the sun in Scorpio sits opposite Jupiter in Taurus. Perhaps you’re finding alternative ways to invest your time and energy into getting similar results or inspired to make some necessary sacrifices to reach your goals. Keep in mind that Venus in Virgo is also opposing Neptune in Pisces, which means certain details might be missing or exaggerated. Hold off on signing anything or finalizing decisions until you’re certain about what you’re agreeing to give and receive.

Pisces glyph

Pisces:  February 18, 2023 – March 20, 2023

Your cup is overflowing with new information and perhaps wisdom as the sun in Scorpio sits opposite Jupiter in Taurus! You can feel eager to share what you’re learning with others, especially those closest to you. Considering Venus in Virgo is also opposing Neptune in Pisces today, you might find it most helpful to show what you’ve learned through your actions and exchanges, rather than explaining all the nuances, which could go right over people’s heads right now. Model what you’re inspired to share, with consistency, and the rest will fall into place in time.

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