Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Check astrological prediction for Virgo, Taurus and other signs

Taurus, you may now hear from loved ones who are overseas or far away. Gemini, consider your situation carefully. Virgo, there is plenty of space for your Virgoan qualities of efficiency and order.

It will be a rare Arien who is not deeply influenced by sentimental feelings for the past. Increasingly it is your home and family background which tug at your heartstrings. Give the maximum attention to financial matters, and don’t accept amazing promises at face value.

TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Gradual awakening to romantic possibilities

You may now hear from loved ones who are overseas or far away. Communications will also arrive before long from people from your past. Strange encounters will revive pleasant contacts and fond memories. It’s all down to that emotional planet, Venus, which brings a gradual awakening to romantic possibilities.

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: Avoid undertaking any dubious commitments

Consider your situation carefully. In business matters, as in other areas, it may be you who is owed an apology. So, why don’t you look at the past – and try to figure out the best solution? You’d also be wise to avoid undertaking any dubious commitments for the future! 

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: Let your imagination fly

Planetary activity over the next few days will confirm what all sensitive people knew anyway – that the Cancerian vision is utterly remarkable in all respects. If you have creative goals on the go, put the emphasis on practical achievements – and let your imagination fly. 

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LEO HOROSCOPE TDOAY: You are searching for meaning in your daily life

Whatever you do, whatever you say, you won’t be able to hide the fact that you’re searching for something more meaningful in your day-to-day existence. You know that someone, somewhere, is sending you fond thoughts. It’s nice to think that they’re on your side even if they’re a long way away.

VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Efficiency and order will take space

There is plenty of space for your Virgoan qualities of efficiency and order. But if you start trying to dominate the situation and insist that everything is in its proper place and that others live up to their promises, you may be facing an uphill struggle. 

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: Take on new commitments

Even more than in the past, it’s vital to remember that Libra is the sign of balance. You occupy a pivotal role, standing at the fulcrum of everything that’s happening. It’s all quite a responsibility but, by next week, you’ll be ready to take on any number of new commitments.

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Partners may have good ideas

You share superb travel stars with a close partner. Short journeys are more likely to be for business, longer trips for pleasure. Careful organisation, though, is absolutely vital. And one other thing – partners have the best ideas, so listen carefully.

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: You are best off as part of a team

Your birth-sign is ruled by the optimistic planet, Jupiter, which largely accounts for some of your better qualities – your wisdom, for example. Your ability to see ahead is central to your current ambitions, but there’s a social factor at work, and that means you’re best off as part of a team.

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CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: Criticism and differences of opinion are for the best

Deep down you should realise that you have more to gain than to lose from current personal disputes. You may even come to understand that criticism and differences of opinion are all for the best. And with Mercury still so positively placed, your intuitions will be right – at least, most of the time!

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Your ideas at work will be more lively

Certain colleagues and associates naturally hope that you will run out of steam, perhaps because you’ve worn them out over the last six months. If so, I’m afraid their hope is a vain one. Your ideas, especially at work, are likely to be even more lively than usual. 

PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: You will be your usual, sensitive self

Many people around you, both at home and at work, seem to be caught in a fog of uncertainty or confusion. You are well used to such conditions and are therefore ideally situated to extract the maximum advantage. It looks to me as if you will be your usual, sensitive self.

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