Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Check astrological prediction for Virgo, Taurus and other signs

Taurus, your nomadic tendencies are growing more insistent by the day, and Taureans who are taking time off this week are fortunate indeed. Gemini, if you’re a typical Gemini of the old school you’ll be in your element this week. Cancer, your stars are entering another of those delightful alignments which encourage your hopes and stimulate your imagination.

ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Don’t feel bad if plans don’t work out

What a day! It’s very much a case of the irresistible force meeting the immovable object. Don’t feel badly if plans don’t work out. But don’t blame the stars, either – or other people for that matter. You see, if you tackle the details, you’ll win through.


Your nomadic tendencies are growing more insistent by the day, and Taureans who are taking time off this week are fortunate indeed. If you’re at home, you must find ways to spice up your existence. A new interest could take hold, but you do need to think big.

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: Listen to your dreams

If you’re a typical Gemini of the old school, you’ll be in your element this week. There’ll be disagreements, debates and differences of opinion galore – and plenty of opportunities for you to get your spoke in. But listen to your dreams – they make more sense than the facts.

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: Stars will encourage hope and imagination

Your stars are entering another of those delightful alignments which encourage your hopes and stimulate your imagination. It’s all down to the Moon’s imminent and intriguing encounter with the Sun; it looks as if destiny is picking you out for special treatment.

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LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: You are in an idealistic mood

This week’s trends reinforce everything that was said about your chart last week. Your stars confirm that you are in an idealistic and selfless mood, though confusion is likely to creep in whenever the nebulous planet, Neptune, comes into play – and that’s about every other day.

VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Cultivate personal contacts

You are still in the driving seat, although you should begin to tie up all loose ends. I’d like to remind you that at work it’s who you know and not what you know that’s important. You should therefore get on and cultivate personal contacts, much as this may go against the Virgoan grain. 

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: Future is coming fast

The present is still slightly confused, but the future is coming fast – so get ready. Everything has to be faced with confidence. You really cannot bury your head in the sand any longer, and only Librans who act decisively, and with self-confidence, will come through intact and in control. 


It’s a time for lofty ideals and noble sentiments. Just don’t be so pompous and self-righteous that others are turned off! Leave financial initiatives until the middle to end of the week, for it seems that there may still be other circumstances to consider.

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Loosen up your thinking process

Once again money and financial security are the issues of the week. I hope I will encourage you by pointing out the truly stupendous prospects for gain and profit that await the canny among you. You’ll help your cause if you loosen up your thinking processes and consider new ideas – however unusual.

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CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: Romantic mood is shifting

One group of planets is attempting to knock you sideways while another struggles to hold you upright. It is not surprising that you feel buffeted by the winds of change. In fact, it is quite natural that you should. Your romantic mood is shifting, and over the next month you’ll need to feel more secure.

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Prepare yourself for changes in lifestyle

There’s plenty of room for you to bring out your famous Aquarian radicalism this week and show people just what an anarchist you are. Yet, complex factors indicate that you’re more likely to be a secret revolutionary, prepared to consider sweeping changes in your lifestyle.

PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Your secret is your flexibility

You are in an extremely strong position. Your secret is your flexibility – and your astonishing ability to adjust to changing circumstances. You’ll alter one or two of your key ambitions and you’ll also be changing some of your deeply- entrenched attitudes.

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