Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Check astrological prediction for Leo, Virgo and other signs

Horoscope Today: Aries, it’s part of your character to be an individual, to strive to raise yourself above the common herd. Gemini, if there’s any time left, then enjoy the calm before the storm. Leo, you obviously need to take the initiative if you are both to maintain the momentum you have already built up and keep control of the situation.

ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Strive to raise yourself above the herd

It’s part of your character to be an individual, to strive to raise yourself above the common herd. This is why today’s stressful planetary alignment, which will be so difficult for many lesser people, will be wonderfully stimulating for you.

TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Don’t omit challenging situations

You’ve been sweeping a number of problems under the carpet – as is your right. But neither have you come to terms with the challenging situations which have been forced upon you, especially those resulting from home improvements and family complications. Such omissions must be remedied now. 

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: Enjoy the calm before the storm

If there’s any time left, then enjoy the calm before the storm. Today is one of those times when family members are liable to blow up, taking you completely by surprise. Yet any personal problems should be quickly resolved, partly because your intuitions are functioning to the full.

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: Close associates may feel ignored

You’re in one of those old catch-22 situations, and whatever you say or do, close associates are still going to feel ignored or slighted. You must realise that this bad feeling has more to do with their own frustrations than with any failings on your part.

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LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Take initiative maintain momentum

You obviously need to take the initiative if you are both to maintain the momentum you have already built up and keep control of the situation. One word of warning, though: do not blame partners or colleagues for problems that are nothing to do with them. 

VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Don’t push your luck

The last thing you want to do today is push your luck. You’re ambitious, it’s true, but a ferocious lunar aspect makes this a poor day to take risks, and that’s an understatement! Stick to tried and tested plans and chart a safe course through troubled waters. 


Everything is up for grabs. The question is, how do you respond when associates seem so terribly out of sorts? Do you rush in and offer tea and sympathy? Or do you attempt to solve the underlying problems? Whatever course you choose, please be consistent.

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: May work with new colleagues

You can play your cards either way. Even in your possible absence from work, professional alterations are afoot, and personnel changes mean that very soon you will be working with new colleagues. All of you must reconsider your worldly ambitions, and one may have to be dropped.

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Establish your priorities

Try taking a leap forward in time to the point two weeks from now when some sort of fresh start will be required at work. Think now about how you would handle such an eventuality and try and establish your priorities. After all, it is time for a change, isn’t it?

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CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: Be aware of the scale of financial problems

By now you should be aware of the exact scale of a financial problem and its precise cost. Hopefully, all that is involved is a minor overpayment or excess charge on a purely mundane commitment. At work, you’ll do best by thinking about your tasks first, rather than assuming that you know everything already.

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Maintain good relationships

Do your best to maintain good relationships and be ready to meet opportunities as they arise, no matter how difficult and awkward partners are determined to be. Background activities are working to your advantage, as will soon become patently apparent.

PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Partners can be uncertain

The choice is not strictly between jaw-jaw and war-war, as the old saying goes. It may be best to combine the two. After all, there are battles to be fought on all fronts with resolve and determination. Your position is all the better precisely because partners can be so uncertain.

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