Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Check astrological prediction for Leo, Taurus and other signs

Horoscope Today: Aries, does it sound too trite to say that life could be one long party? Taurus, the delicate relationship between Mars and Saturn is pretty well perfect as far as you are concerned. Gemini, admittedly you’ve had a financial shock, but one that is by no means threatening to your overall position.


Does it sound too trite to say that life could be one long party? Well, a rapidly approaching series of aspects between the Sun and the Moon offers you sufficient incentive to put your cares to one side for a while, enjoy yourself and maybe go on a spending spree.

TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: It is an extraordinary week

The delicate relationship between Mars and Saturn is pretty well perfect as far as you are concerned, even if it is a little sour – and if you only have a limited time to exploit your advantages. This is an extraordinary week to combine all that is most noble about your character, with all that is most imaginative.

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: Stay one step ahead of the stars

Admittedly you’ve had a financial shock, but one that is by no means threatening to your overall position. Stay one step ahead of the stars and move as quickly as possible to a secure fail-safe position. Relief comes within days, mainly thanks to family support.

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: Seize the moral high ground

The most sensitive among you are already aware that, within two weeks, an extravagant, though fortuitous, development will have shaken the foundations of your family life. Do the wise thing and seize the moral high ground now. Don’t let other people put you off.

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LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Past efforts may be rewarded

The silver lining in this week’s dark cloud is reflected in the very sober prospect that your past efforts are about to be rewarded. To be precise, many of you may shortly expect an increase in your earnings. But it could be another nine weeks before everything is finalised.

VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Don’t be unduly concerned

You may now be worried that something ominous is about to happen. But what? Don’t be unduly concerned, though. All that’s taking place is an increase of pressure in mysterious regions of your chart. It’s as if, no matter what you do, you just can’t figure out the answer.

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: Emotional secrets will come into the open

Romantic and emotional secrets will shortly be coming into the open. You will be happy to hear that someone’s opinion of you is higher than you once thought, but please see to it that your conscience is clear. Just because other people are behaving badly doesn’t mean that you have to follow suit.

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Be prepared for a professional crisis

Because the Sun is due to enter into combat with the Moon before it next changes signs, you must be prepared for a professional crisis. The most reasonable estimate tips you as odds-on favourite, but only if you safeguard your privacy and cover every possible source of discontent at home.

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Don’t pay attention to other people’s bickering

You don’t usually pay too much attention to other people’s tedious bickering and barracking. And quite right, too! However, some sort of legal problem or overseas complication may come to involve you, unless you indulge in some of your fast and fancy footwork.

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CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: Take care in the financial sphere

Although an unusual amount of planetary activity in and around your sign is now encouraging you to become more reckless, you must take extreme care in the financial sphere. Events are likely to move so fast over the coming days that you are in danger of being left temporarily high and dry.

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Put your money where your mouth is

More than ever, it is time to put your money where your mouth is. You might as well face the fact that a dramatic gesture now is likely to head off any bitterness and resentment that may be directed at you, however unfairly, over the coming days and weeks.


By all means wait another few days, if important new projects are in the pipeline. On the other hand, if you’re contemplating measures to reinforce your physical well-being, you should press ahead as fast as you can. There is no reason why you should back down, now.

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