Tarot cards

Charlotte Reads Tarot Cards as Valentin & Nina Struggle

Weds Sept 20 GH recap: Finn and Liz urge Gregory to get alternative treatment, Cody tells Sasha what he knew, and BLQ declares she’s returning to music.

Tuesday’s GH recap: Valentin was shocked Charlotte broke into Anna’s room, Trina got love advice from Curtis, and Cody suggested he and Sasha disappear.

Tracy corners BLQ at general Hospital but she doesn’t want to talk to her since she cost her her job.

Tracy accuses her of throwing a tantrum like a toddler and claims all she did was for her own good.

tracy and blq bicker

BLQ doesn’t see how losing her job does her any good.

Her grandma has had enough of all the sulking.

When BLQ declares she’s now free to go back to music, Tracy forbids it since it was Ned’s downfall.

BLQ won’t listen and tells her she hopes Deception is worth it because it’s cost her her granddaughter.

blq tells tracy she's going back to music

Gregory asks Liz if Dr. Bronson is still around.

When she checks, she recalls telling Finn that Bronson is the wrong physician for his father.

She spots Finn and calls him over.

He leads his father to a corner to discuss his ALS treatment.

finn asks gregory about treatment

Finn tells his father how she chooses to manage his disease is up to him.

Gregory says no one “manages” it.

His son tells him he has options he doesn’t know about.

gregory meets with finn

The doctor thinks they could go the holistic route and talk to some other neurologists.

He thinks he deserves a doctor who will help him live to the fullest.

Gregory asks if Liz put him up to this and calls over to her.

She joins them and apologizes for overstepping.

finn liz suggest gregory go holistic

Finn asks his father permission to find a better neurologist for him.

He thanks them for looking out for him and gives his son permission.

gregory thanks finn and liz

The doctor has to rush off to sign some paperwork.

Gregory doubts a new doctor will help much but he’s happy to support something that makes Finn feel better.

He’s grateful his son has her in his life.

Tracy corners Finn and tells him she’s in need of a backgammon game.

She notices his father and wonders why he’s there so late.

tracy asks finn about his dad

He’s evasive but agrees to play her tomorrow. Gregory wanders over and Tracy complains about BLQ insulting her.

She could use a drink. Gregory offers her a soda and she takes him up on it.

After they wander off, Liz joins Finn and he tells her that it’s good to see his father seeming normal, but then he thinks of what’s to come.

He wishes he could tell her what it means to have her there for him. They hold hands.

At the vending machine, Tracy notices that Gregory can’t open the can. He informs her that he has ALS.

Anna jogs into Sonny’s office and ask him if his offer for protection still stands.

anna asks sonny if the offer stands

The mobster asks what’s going on so she explains that her room was trashed and a threat left.

Someone has a vendetta against her.

It sounds to him like someone is trying to get under her skin.

It feels to her like someone is personally attacking her.

sonny and anna discuss her room being trashed

Valentin checked with security but the footage is missing.

That sounds suspicious to him. She’s aware of Valentin’s shortcomings but doubts it.

She brings up the shooting at the pool.

She’s confident that the bullet was meant for him because the pattern of the subsequent attacks are completely different.

anna tells sonny bullet for him

They assume the shooting was a warning from Pikeman and/or the WSB.

He offers to beef up her security and urges her to be careful.

She just wishes she knew what whoever was after her wanted.

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In her office, Nina is shocked as she watches the surveillance footage of Charlotte sneaking into Anna’s suite.

Valentin and Charlotte burst in.

nina startled by charlotte

Nina gives her a hug and they chat about what’s going on.

Valentin asks his daughter what she did today.

She claims she was with Jake and shows them some pictures.

charlotte shows pics to valentin and nina

Nina assures her she’s not interrupting her work.

She’s trying to put what’s on her desk out of her mind forever.

Valentin suggests that she spend the night at Nina’s.

They joke around. As Charlotte goes down to the lobby, Valentin whispers to Nina to get the video of the server.

valentin asks charlotte what she did

Nina and Valentin take Charlotte to her place.

He calls Anna to leave a message.

valentin calls anna

As he puts his daughter to bed, he tells her he’s still working on getting them a home.

charlotte eager to live with dad again

She’s eager to live with him again…and Anna.

He tells her he loves her and walks out.

When he speaks to Nina, he admits he doesn’t know how to handle this but he needs to keep his daughter away from Anna.

valentin doesn't know how to handle this

Nina assures him she will keep an eye on Charlotte.

She calls Sonny and tells him she won’t make it back tonight because she’s looking after Charlotte.

nina tries to reassure valentin

Meanwhile, Charlotte does tarot cards.

charlotte cards

Valentin joins Anna in the suite.

At Maxie’s, James is confused by Felicia doing homework.

Mac says you’re never too old to learn. James shows them the knot Cody taught him to make.

felicia says cody full of surprises

After he impresses them with more knots, he asks if he can visit Cody.

Mac explains he’ll be away for awhile.

james asks mac to see cody

James and his grandma talk about her new job and she fills him on what she’ll be doing.

He thinks it would be better to be a doctor.

Scott and Lucy show up with a bottle and a game.

scott and lucy with wine

James wants to play but they are adult games. Felicia leads him off to bed and the adults sit down.

Lucy complains about her life crumbling and Scott assures her she has nothing to worry about.

Maxie arrives and tells Lucy she needs to get in line if she wants to kill Tracy.

lucy vents to scott and mac

They drink and joke about offing Tracy. Felicia thinks they should be ashamed but Maxie and Lucy keep complaining.

Mac and Felicia assure Maxie she can start again but she reminds them nothing is that easy.

lucy maxie felicia complain about tracy

Maxie is startled when Lucy admits that Tracy gave her a better offer. Lucy gulps some wine.

maxie asks when she was going to be told

After she explains the 51-49 offer, Maxie is outraged. They begin yelping at each other. Maxie has put all she has on the line for Deception.

James comes in to complain their game is too loud.

Maxie takes her son back to bed and Scott follows Lucy as she storms out.

Outside, Scott assures Lucy things will work out and they hug.

scott hugs lucy

At the cabin, Cody suggests to Sasha that they could avoid some trouble and vanish. She doesn’t see how that could work.

sasha doesn't want cody to throw life away

They have no money or phones and are escaped mental patients. She doesn’t want him to throw his life off track for her any more than he has.

He doesn’t want to be painted as a hero and claims he should have been honest with her all along.

cody tells sasha why he stayed quiet

Cody explains that he’s known that Gladys was up to her neck in debt and stealing from her for months.

He never told her because he didn’t want to jeopardize his relationship with Selina.

Wu wouldn’t let him quit or talk.

That’s now how she remembers things. He was always warning her about Gladys and she refused to listen.

He keeps beating himself up for covering his own ass. She wonders why he’s changed his mind.

cody tells sasha its his fault

When she stabbed him, he could see in her eyes that something was seriously wrong.

He couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t help her.

She’s thankful that he’s believed in her.

sasha thanks cody for his belief

When he suggests they get some rest, she refuses to let him sleep in the chair again.

He insists on sleeping on the floor. She doesn’t think that’s right but he pretends to be fast asleep.

sasha sees cody on floor

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