Tarot cards

Career Weekly Horoscope Forecast: Weekly Career Horoscope: 26th February to 3rd March, 2024

Weekly Career Horoscope

Find out what is in store for your zodiac sign in the professional realm, as predicted by Tarot Card Reader Kishori Sud. Scroll down to know your weekly career horoscope between 26th February to 3rd March.


No matter how hard you work, this week may seem jinxed and the only way to deal with it is to take less stress. Your situation will change in 3-4 days but it will take a lot out of you, so find an activity to divert your mind.


This coming week, you may find some discrepancies in a colleague’s work. This information may shake you or disturb you but your actions are likely to determine your path for the rest of the days. Sometimes it is good to be just a spectator and let things unfold on their own.


Take nothing for granted in the coming days at work or as a student. Be thorough and make sure you cover all loopholes before anyone pinpoints your mistakes.


Arguments to fallouts, it is going to rough for you dear Cancerian souls. You may encounter disappointment and you are likely to blame yourself for the same. Go easy on yourself. Take help if need be.


Some miscommunication is likely to hamper your peace with another person. This may even snowball into an ugly fight. Your cards advise you to depend and trust no one approaching you, especially after an argument.


Someone is jealous of you or your work and they are scheming something. Wear an evil eye or keep an amethyst stone near you. Tel no one about your plans and that includes your closest friends. It is just a matter of this week. So control!


A close colleague may want your help or advice but it is suggested that you be your diplomatic self and give no defined advice. You may just fall into someone else’ whirlpool.


Your focus will intensify this week and you may just amaze yourself with some brilliant ideas. People around you may hail you for your work too but being able to ground yourself is very important as well. Burn a candle with some dry earth on it. A barefoot walk on the ground also works for many.


Gossip and indulgence in shallow conspiracies will be all around you and you may want to control yourself as well. One wrong sentence out of your mouth is likely to get you in trouble. Also, if you are looking for a job, this is the right time to apply and you are likely to find something that interests you.


Your week will go as is, busy and full of meetings, however, you will get opportunities to make some extra money. Do not let that go. If you cannot manage, ask someone else to do it.


You will be deceiving yourself by saying that you are not overworked. It is good to immerse yourself in work but that also means early burnout. A dominating male is likely to give you some sound advice (unexpectedly), keep your mind open.


There is a lot on your plate this week and you must take care of it all and not push anything for another time. This week is crucial for business owners, on another level altogether. An important week for the Pisces in the beginning of this Pisces month.

Kishori Sud is a certified Tarot Card Reader. If you want personal readings then DM her on EnigmaTarotTribe on Instagram.

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