Tarot cards

A look ahead: Tarot Prospectus for 2024

TWH – Again this year, TWH offers a 12-month spiritual perspective for the year ahead that might provide some helpful signposts for guidance as we move into and through the new year. As with the past two years, a different deck was chosen for each month, with one card being selected to provide an overview or basic theme for that month, similar to our Tarot of the Week but more broadly applied.

JanuaryNightfall Tarot by Amory Abbott, published by REDFeather Mind, Body, Spirit, an imprint of Shiffer Publishing, Ltd.

Card: Major arcana, The Empress (III)

The first month of the year is likely to offer up an emphasis creativity and nurturing, as well as embracing a deeper connection to both the natural world and the elements that bind everyone and everything together.

Conversely, overthinking or allowing the intellect to completely rule could block creativity and passion and place unnecessary limits on new projects.

FebruaryAfrican American Tarot by Jamal R, artwork by Thomas Davis, published by Lo Scarabeo

Card: Major arcana, The Observer (XII) – Initiation, Ritual (Ifa, god of fate and justice)

The second month of 2024 is liable to carry a theme of self-sacrifice and exploring the inner landscape as it applies to spiritual strength and wisdom.

Contrarily, there exists the potential for isolation and cutting oneself off from others and reliable sources of information, which can create frustration, as well as result in stagnation.

March Phantasma Tarot by Paulina Fae, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Card: Major arcana, The Empress (III)

March has the potential to offer a renewed interest in creativity, new growth, and the simple pleasures nature presents in abundance. There may be a focus on tapping deeper into the magic that is plentiful within the natural world.

Conversely, the Vernal Equinox mid-month could signal a need for rest, respite, and nurturing self-care.

AprilFolklore Tarot by Rowan Ortins, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Card: Eight (8) of Cups

The fourth month is liable to spark the desire to escape or pull back from others due to underlying issues of disappointment and dissatisfaction. These issues could result in a personal quest for fulfillment.

In contrast, a confused or complete lack of focus could turn a quest into aimless wandering that avoids addressing root issues and an abandonment of purpose.

MayGolden Black Cat Tarot by Helena de Almeida, published by AGM-Urania/Konigsfurt-Urania Verlag GmbH.

Card: Major arcana, Judgment (XX)

The fifth month is likely to usher in a thoughtful examination of past actions that lean into forgiveness and acknowledges regret. There are liable to be rewards and/or forgiveness for past deeds.

In comparison, there is the potential for “becoming a prisoner of past attitudes,” due to the expression of criticism and judgment for past negative behaviors.

JuneEthereal Visions Tarot: Luna Edition by Matt Hughes, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Card: King of Wands

June has the potential to highlight the characteristics that embody good leadership and inspire respect. There may also be examples of charisma on display being used to influence others and cultivate support for various projects or campaigns.

Conversely, displays of impatience, intolerance, and ruthlessness are equally possible and likely to stand out in stark relief.

 JulyWe’Moon Tarot created by We’Moon founder, Musana and featuring the art of various artists, published by Mother Tongue Ink.

Card: Major arcana, The Empowerer (IV)

The seventh month of the year may offer some interesting alternatives to the usual aspects of being in a position of authority. While strength and clarity of vision are often touted as desirable for those in power, compassion tempered by wisdom is more likely to be a key feature in July.

In contrast, offering lip service to the principles mentioned, yet continuing to exhibit unchanged and authoritarian behavior are warning signs of similar and worsening behaviors.

We hate to keep asking…  

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AugustWise Dog Tarot by MJ Cullinane, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Card: Major arcana, The Lovers (VI)

August holds the potential to shine a light on the importance of individual beliefs and how they inform choices made. Also likely to be prominent this month are the elements of compatibility, partnerships, and trust.

Conversely, imbalance and disharmony could cause missteps and result in strained relationships if allowed to proliferate.

SeptemberTarot Neocolonial de las Américas by Patrick McGrath Muñiz, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Card: Seven (7) of Copas (Cups)

The month of the Autumnal Equinox is liable to seem to be overly full of choices and options and will very likely call for the application of major skills in discernment. Grounded decision-making can offer success at once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.

Contrarily, options on display have the potential to be misleading, illusionary, or even completely false. Pursuing unrealistic goals will likely result in failure and disappointment.

OctoberTarot of the Owls by Pamela Chen, art by Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Publications.

Card: King of Cups

The tenth month is liable to have a focus on heartfelt service to the community, but also one that may require redefining boundaries. Knowing where to draw the line is likely to be imperative when it comes to creating beauty and inclusive spaces.

Conversely, allowing emotions to unduly color how events are viewed could result in a skewed perspective and not at all reflect what was actually intended or even what really occurred.

NovemberThe Mind’s Eye Tarot by Olivia Rose, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Card: Four (4) of Wands

For November, stability, satisfaction, and achievement of goals are emphasized, as are reunions and celebrations of homecoming. There is also a focus on all of the positive attributes a home represents.

In contrast, conflict within the home could both reflect and create instability and unsustainability—which can be amplified during any type of transition.

DecemberThe Star Tarot by Cathy McClelland, published by REDFeather Mind, Body, Spirit, an imprint of Shiffer Publishing, Ltd.

Card: Major arcana, The World (XXI)

The final month of the calendar year is likely to signal completion on a number of levels, be it that of a major project, course of study, or the attainment of a long-sought dream. There is also the potential for a spiritual accomplishment that is the result of a long journey.

Conversely, loss of focus, distraction, and even trying to cut corners are likely to result in delays and frustration when it comes to finishing a long-term project.

As always, thank you for your support of The Wild Hunt! 


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