Tarot cards

A complete guide to upright and reversed meaning of the Justice tarot card | Astrology


The Justice tarot card is all about being fair and treating everyone just right. Imagine a judge in a courtroom making sure things are fair and true. When this card appears, it’s like having your actions put on a scale. If you’ve been good and fair, good things will come your way. But if you’ve been not-so-good, you might face some consequences. So, always try to do the right thing and be honest, and things will work out better.

The Justice Tarot Card.(Pixabay)
The Justice Tarot Card.(Pixabay)

Upright meaning in love, finances, career and health

Upright Justice in Love-In love, Justice says that you should treat your partner fairly and honestly when it appears upright. Just like how you’d want to be treated. If you’ve been good and kind in your relationships, that’s great! You’ll find someone who treats you the same way. But if you’ve been unfair or dishonest, it might be time to make things right. Love should be fair and equal for both people.

Upright Justice in Finances– When it comes to money, Justice tells you to be honest with your finances when it appears upright. Don’t cheat or lie in money matters. If you’re fair and honest, your financial future will be better. It’s like saying, “What goes around, comes around.” So, be careful with money and be fair to others in financial dealings.

Upright Justice in Career- In your job or career, Justice reminds you to balance your work life with your personal life when it appears upright. It’s important to work hard, but it’s also essential to spend time with loved ones. If you’ve been fair and honest at work, good things will come your way. But if you’ve not been honest, it’s time to change your ways. Being truthful and responsible at work can help your career grow.

Health– For your health, Justice says to keep a balance in your life when it appears upright. Take care of your body and mind. Don’t overdo things, and don’t neglect your health. If you’ve been out of balance, it might lead to health problems. So, take time for self-care, eat well, and stay balanced in all areas of your life.

Reversed Meaning

Facing the Truth Tarot card-But if Justice appears upside down, it can mean things aren’t fair or honest. Maybe you’re trying to avoid taking responsibility for something you did wrong. It’s like hiding the truth. If you see this, it’s a sign to be more honest and fair in your actions. Don’t try to escape your mistakes; face them and make things right.

Love and Relationships –In love, reversed Justice could indicate that someone isn’t being honest in the relationship, or maybe the relationship isn’t fair. It’s essential to address these issues and work towards fairness and truth.

Financial Caution –Financially, reversed Justice suggests you should be careful because someone might not be trustworthy with your money. Don’t ignore any financial problems; address them honestly.

Work Challenges –At work, if Justice is upside down, it might mean you’re facing unfair treatment or not being honest in your job. It’s essential to handle these situations with fairness and truth.

Health –For your health, reversed Justice tells you that an imbalance might lead to health problems. Don’t overindulge or neglect your well-being. It’s crucial to find balance in your life.

So, whether Justice is upright or reversed, it’s a reminder to be fair, honest, and responsible in all areas of your life.


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